Friday, October 08, 2004

uhhh ... ok, thanks

"We are apt to be busy about everything but that which concerns our spiritual progress, and at the end of a profitless day we snatch up a Bible or [a devotional booklet] and read a few verses, and it does us good for precisely three-quarters of a second. We have to take time to be diligent. Meditation is not being like a pebble in a brook, allowing the waters of thought to flow over us; that is reverie. Meditation is the most intense spiritual act; it brings every part of the body and mind into harness. To be spiritual by effort is a sure sign of false relationship to God; to be obedient by effort in the initial stages is a sure sign that we are determined to obey God at all costs. Take time. Remember we have all the time there is. The majority of us waste time and want to encroach on eternity. 'Oh well, I will think about these things when I have time.' The only time you will have is the day after you are dead, and that will be eternity. An hour, or half an hour, of daily attention to and meditation on our own spiritual life is the secret of progress."
- Oswald Chambers

Just got this quote in one of my list-generated emails that I usually delete without reading (because I get about 5 different ones). I read it today, and I can't but help but wonder if there was a reason I didn't just delete this one. Not that I see myself in this writing at all ... and I'm sure you don't either.

Man, talk about getting bonked over the head. But I don't have time to think about it now. I'll think about these things later when I have time.


At 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just felt the need to drop a line and thank you taking the time to post such a beautiful quotation. I have found myself spending more time browsing through blogs that catch my attention and your entry from today did just that. I am a father, husband, co-worker, friend, and practicing Hindu. Most days are so crazy that finding time to devote to your spirituality can be extremely difficult. Mr. Oswald's quote perfectly summmarized the trials of attempting to lead a spiritual life, but at the same time captures the essence of why it's important to try. Thanks again. Namaste.
Michael B

At 4:26 PM, Blogger Darcie said...

hmmm... very, very interesting. have you read my post for today yet? just finished it and bopped on over here to see this... and now i'm laughing at how God works. :)

At 4:48 PM, Blogger Krista said...

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At 4:48 PM, Blogger Krista said...

Just read it. Yup, that God - He's a funny guy.
(praying for you!)


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