Wednesday, August 18, 2004

walking with a lighter step

I did it.

I got my hair cut short. Here's the thing that stinks ... I have been thinking about getting it cut short for a while, but I haven't had a chance to get over there to see the chic who cuts my hair ... In the meantime, three or four different girls I know got theirs cut short ... so now it looks like I'm just riding on the coattails of some new hairstyle trend.

Truth is, I'm a short-hair girl at heart. It suits me. I don't like the fuss or the time commitment that seems to come with long hair, or even medium-length hair. Wash and go, that's me. I'm hoping this get up and go attitude will permeate the rest of my life. I want to be someone who walks through this world with a lighter step. I don't want to get weighed down like my hair seemed to be as it got longer ... I want to be free to get up and jump into my day, and into my life. I don't want to have to fuss around with unimportant things. I want my life and my attitude and my faith to be clean and simple. Oh, there's depth ... but it's a clean depth, because it's not all murked up and muddled by my attempts to make it clear ... instead, it's simple and lucid and not all marred by my touch.

Or maybe I was just tired of my neck getting hot. Maybe there's nothing more to it than that. I don't know.


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