Thursday, July 22, 2004

I don't want to even be a co-pilot

Jesus Saviour pilot me
over life's tempestuous seas
unknown waves before me roll
hiding rock and treacherous shoal

chart and compass come from thee
Jesus Saviour pilot me
chart and compass come from thee
Jesus Saviour pilot me

as a mother stills her child
You can calm the oceans wild
boisterous waves obey Your will
when You say to them be still

wonderous sovereign of the sea
Jesus Saviour pilot me
wonderous sovereign of the sea
Jesus Saviour pilot me

when at last i near the shore
and the fearful breakers roar
grant me long and peaceful rest
then while leaning on Your chest

may i hear You say to me
fear not I will pilot thee
may i hear You say to me
fear not I will pilot thee

chart and compass come from thee
wondrous sovereign of the sea
may i hear You say to me
chart and compass come from thee

Jesus Saviour pilot thee

- robbieseayband

Do you ever hear one of those songs that just makes you sit back and close your eyes, wishing you had the ability to express yourself as well as the songwriter did?  This is one of those songs.  I think one of the reasons it struck me so much today was because of the many unknown waves that are rolling before me.  I want to be piloted and guided by Him, not by my feelings, or my reason, or my intellect, or my common sense, or my lists of pros and cons.  I want to be under His control and in His will so much that my decisions are a direct result of His guidance.  Man, easy to say, but hard to stay on course ... mostly because I'm not allowing Him to be the only pilot. 

 Jesus, Saviour, please ... pilot me.


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