Wednesday, May 24, 2006

how could I ask for more?

This morning I woke up late and sort of fell out of bed. I fed my dogs in a haze and I could feel the grumpiness seeping out of me. I grumbled at my dogs as they bounded around my feet, reminding me that they needed to be fed. I wanted to go back to sleep.

Then I looked out the window and saw a robin perched on a tree branch in my backyard, and I heard birds singing in the sunshine ... and I was overwhelmed with the truth of how GOOD I have it. Morning after morning I wake up in a comfortable bed, in a nice house with two energetic dogs giving me kisses just for looking at them. I ease my strong, young legs out of bed and step onto a clean floor and walk to a sometimes-clean kitchen to find some food or drink to put in my mouth (in which I have all my teeth). As I take my dogs outside I am free to stand and stretch and feel the sun warm my able body. I don't have to worry about my safety or rush back inside for fear of being seen. I can deeply breathe fresh air and let it fill my lungs without worries of being hurt by the air. Then I go back inside (bounding up the steps with a wonderful energy) and head inside to take a warm shower and dry myself off with a soft, fluffy towel that smells like mountain rain or something or other. I open my closet door and decide what to wear to work that day, not thinking at all about the fact that there are many people who dream of having a job at all, much less one that doesn't require them to be there until 8am.

This same take-it-for-granted attitude is one I carry with me throughout the day. I drive to and fro in my car, neglecting to think about the many different gears and shafts and belts that are all functioning in harmony so that I can move forward at all. I stop for gas if I need it, and pull up to a pump where fuel flows freely with just the flip of a switch. If I am hungry, I have my choice of countless restaurants where I can stop and pick up food, even without getting out of my car.

But even if I didn't have a bed, or a house, or kissy dogs, or a car, or fluffy towels, or a warm shower ... I cannot imagine asking for anything better than the opportunity to wake up to the gift of another day. There are few things better than enjoying the incredible privilege of being awakened by the evolution of the sky, from dark blue to pink and orange and light blue ... but even if I was not able to enjoy those colors, I would know they were there. I would feel the promise of a new beginning, I would sense the hope of a new chapter in the book of my life. If I really stop to consider what an incredible awe-inspiring event a NEW DAY is, I will find myself unable to do much else but fall on my knees and raise my hands to the heavens in praise and adoration. I have a feeling tomorrow morning will be a little different than today. My hope is that every morning of my life will be another step in this journey toward the realization that I already have more than I could ever ask or imagine, even when I have nothing.


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