Tuesday, June 13, 2006

the bigness of small lives

This will be a really short post, because my head and my heart hurt. But recently I have been reminded of how much a person's life is really just a vapor. There are some lives whose vapors pass way into nothingness, and sadly we don't even realize they were ever there. There are other lives that leave behind a sweet fragrance, a scent that floods your mind and heart with memories and truths and goodness and fullness. On Sunday night, two friends of mine left this earth so that they could finally and fully experience that which they had only known partially before: the joy and wonder of the presence of God.

Though they are gone, the ripples caused by their lives continue to spread. They loved and lived out Christianity. They believed that life was something very big and full to be lived and experienced and thrived on. They recognized our tendency to make life small or make it focused on something as inconsquential as a relationship or a financial struggle or a bad day at work ... and they refused to live that way. They took hold of the lives they were given and they ran with them ... they loved 'til it hurt, they gave 'til they had none, they stayed up late and got up early so that they could be there for people if they needed someone. They were Christ to so many, and now they're gone. But the fruits of their lives - those shall linger and grow and become bigger than the small things that we cling to. I love you, Erik and Ann, thank you for reminding me that life is so much bigger than us, and that we shouldn't and can't settle for small lives. God longs for us to do things well and to do things on a huge scale ... when we do, our lives will live on even if we are gone.


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