Thursday, March 03, 2005

revenge of the ... who?

Ok, so I know I need to write a real post, but I have Bob the Builder and Brother Bear on the brain right now, and I need to go walk down the street in the few minutes to meet a little girl at the bus stop, so I'm taking the easy way out and posting a quiz I just took (yes, I have time to take a silly quiz but not to post anything really meaningful). It's Dave's fault, he had it on his blog.

I am nerdier than 4% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I really thought I was a nerd. Guess not, or maybe I'm just really good at hiding it.


At 5:38 PM, Blogger brett said...

i saw this on someone else's blog and tried it too. i got a 3, which was kinda surprising, since i build websites for a living. maybe it's rigged.


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