Friday, December 17, 2004

my #1 guy

So this morning I was reading yesterday's devotional thingy in Reflections for Ragamuffins (yes, I'm a day behind), and as usual, I was struck by how much the words spoke to where I am right now.

Here's the reading in its entirety:

My Most Intimate Relationship

The traditional hymn sung in many churches on Sunday morning, "Christ Jesus Victor, Christ Jesus Ruler, Christ Jesus Lord and Redeemer," implies that the relationship with Jesus is the most intense and intimate of all my relations. Is this really true? In gut-level honesty, what rules our lives as we prepare for Christmas? What has power over us?

First, I suppose it's people. Those who speak to me; the men and women whose words I read. Those with whom I associate or would like to associate; those who give to me and those who refuse; those who help and those who hinder; those whom I like and those whom I do not like. Such people occupy my attention, fill my thoughts, in a sense, rule in me.

Jesus Christ? Well, he counts, but only after I have finished with the others. Only when they and their claims leave me time for him. Sometimes these others occupy so much of my time that the whole day slips by without a thought of the Lord of my life. Even at worship, I can be so distracted by my friends and enemies that I forget to lift up my mind and heart to him. Oh, I may recite a few mechanical prayers, but my thoughts are somewhere else. "This people gives me lip service," Isaiah heard the God of Israel say, "but their heart is far from me." Like King Claudius in Shakespeare's Hamlet: "My words fly up, my thoughts remain below. Words without thoughts never to heaven go."

I sort of feel like lately my life has been too people-focused. I know there's this delicate balance, and usually I tend to be more on the side that shies away from putting too much trust in people or relying on others too much. And then I feel like I'm just being stubborn and prideful. Lately I have met a few really great people and I have very much been enjoying my relationships with them. And I wonder if I have allowed those relationships to take away a bit from my relationship with Christ. So, while I know it is important to accept the help of others and feel that communion with the fellow travelers on this journey of life, the most important relationship in my life needs to be my relationship with Christ.

In a kingdom and in a heart, there can only be one ruler ... to have more than one person or thing in charge would result in absolute chaos. During this time of year it's easy to get distracted with questions of what gifts to get for others, and all the things that we need to do. It's my hope that I am able to keep my life under the lordship of the One whose arrival we celebrate in the first place. In quietness and in strength he came into this world ... in quietness and strength I pray He rules our lives and thoughts in this season of celebration.


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